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Selected object in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2022-11-22Updated:2022-11-22
Similar words: linked objectembedded objectselectedunselectedselected areaproject objectiveproject objectelected official
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1) Children 4 or 5 years old typically proceed by selecting objects to go together based on similarities.
2) He puts his selected objects into lighted cases and projects their images outward through lenses in the peepholes.
3) The selected object has been manually set to overprint all overlapped objects.
4) Alternatively,( object.html) the selected object may treat the incoming data in some predetermined way.
5) Show the commands pane if the selected object exposes verbs.
6) Instances of selected object list box, click an application name to monitor the performance counter for that application.
7) Move the selected object or the page view in the direction of the arrow.
8) The selected object has been manually set to knock out all overlapped objects with no traps.
9) Is there a small set of contextual commands and options that apply to the selected object or program mode?
10) When the map is locked onto an object, the map will automatically be centred on the location of the selected object whenever the time or date changes.
11) Cumulative Time is the time spent inside this object and in other objects that the selected object invokes.
More similar words: linked objectembedded objectselectedunselectedselected areaproject objectiveproject objectelected officialobjective lensobject-orienteddirect objectindirect objectbe subjected toobjectelectedobjectorno objectobject mapobjectiveobjectifyobjectionart objectsex objectobject-oriented programmingobject fileobject typeobject listobject codeobject lensobjectivism
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